Tales Of The Arabian Nights: 40th Anniversary Edition (Pre-Order Expected Release 04/02/2025)

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Sale price$62.99 Regular price$75.00


The newest version of the Tales of the Arabian Nights celebrating its 40th anniversary. Contains new art, new stories, solo play, upgraded components, rule tweaks and much more. Enter the lands of the Arabian Nights alongside Sindbad, Scheherazade, Aladdin, and the other legendary heroes of the 1001 Tales. Travel the world encountering imprisoned princesses, powerful `efreets, evil viziers, and such marvels and the enigmatic Magnetic Mountain, the terrifying Ape Island, and the lustrous Crystal Palace.

The classic, award-winning storytelling game returns with you choosing your actions. While gameplay remain essentially the same, updates include 200+ new paragraphs in the story book, gender neutral game play, additional encounter cards, shortened status time periods, new terrain encounter rules, faster time of day shifts, and faster game play with fewer Destiny and Story points needed to win. Solo adventures may be purchased separately.

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