Round: 3 on 3, First to 4, Best 2 Out of 3
Prize(s)/Award(s): 100% store credit (1st - 50%, 2nd - 30%, 3rd - 20%)
Check-In: Please approach the front desk to check in with an Event Coordinator and properly be entered into the event.
Learn more about our monthly membership here!
Event Ticket Privilege: If this event doesn’t fire due to a minimum player count, we will refund you immediately with store credit.
Parking: Free parking is in the North Parking Garage, it’s indoors too!
Store Credit: Store credit can’t be used for event tickets. If store credit is used to purchase an event ticket, that purchase will be canceled and refunded with store credit. Please email all store credit inquiries to our Event Manager, Rey, at
If you can’t make the event, or miss it, please email about getting your event ticket turned into store credit.
Feedback: Please share thoughts, questions, or recommendations about our events through our Event Feedback Form.