Mission: Red Planet



The year is 1888. Automated probes sent to Mars have transmitted evidence that two priceless kinds of ore not found on Earth, celerium and sylvanite, lie beneath the planet’s surface. These minerals hold the potential to completely transform life on Earth in an age of rapid technological advancement and population growth. Even more incredibly, the probes also found ice, which could be used to create an atmosphere around Mars and enable permanent human settlement there. Mission: Red Planet is a steampunk-themed board game of planetary exploration designed by Bruno Cathala and Bruno Faidutti.

As the leaders of ruthless Victorian-era mining corporations, two to six players compete to harvest the priceless mineral ores and ice found on the planet Mars. Players collect points for the resources they amass and the secret missions they complete. The player with the most points wins! A team of nine canny characters guides your corporation’s astronauts on their expedition. Each round you play a single character in order to send your astronauts into space, make secret discoveries about the zones you occupy, or sabotage other corporations. You’ll need to develop a clever plan, keep an eye on your competitors, and even use a few dirty tricks to win the race for the red planet’s riches in this fast-paced, hotly competitive game!

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